"The estimation of the world, owing to the above, as flawed or a
production of 'error' but nevertheless as good as its constituent
material might allow. The inferiority may be compared to the technical inferiority of a painting, sculpture, or other handicraf to the thing(s) of which those crafts are supposed to be a representation. In certain other cases this tendency to view matter negatively becomes
more extreme; materiality, and the human body, is perceived as evil and
constrictive, a deliberate prison for its inhabitants;" definition of Dualism from Wikipedia.
I seem super-sensitive to dualism when I'm in a new setting. Whenever I hear a new Christian pastor/speaker I seem extraordinarily capable of sniffing it out, even finding it where it may or may not exist.
Today instead of dwelling on the hints of dualism I paused to reflect why this seems to happen. I knew it had something to do with my own patterns of living as well as the hypocrisy of my own life in separating the spiritual from the secular.
In new settings I become dualistic; usually making that which is uncomfortable secular and that which is comfortable spiritual. I find it difficult to allow that which makes me uncomfortable to be spiritual. I resonated with the part of the definition that said, 'This tendency to view matter negatively becomes more extreme.' Stress increases my tendency to view matter negatively; particularly new people.